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Discover HALO Soma: Regulate, Rejuvenate, and Restore with the Power of Living Light!

Fridays, 11:00 am - 12:15 pm

A Rafi Lounge exclusive from Celestial Shamaness & NeuroFit Trainer, STEPHANIE LODGE Featu

Fridays at 11am - Discover HALO Soma: Regulate, Rejuvenate, and Restore with the Power of Living Light!

Facilitated by NeuroFit® Trainer and Energetic Healer, Stephanie Lodge Feeling overwhelmed by daily stress or emotional tension?

HALO Soma is a 75-minute group healing experience designed to calm your mind, balance your body, and reset your nervous system through a unique fusion of neurological fitness, holographic healing meditation, and plasma light therapy.

Stephanie Lodge begins your session with gentle NeuroFit® techniques to ground and regulate the nervous system, allowing you to fully relax and open up to deeper energetic healing and cellular rejuvenation.


What makes this session truly transformative is the amplified energy of four powerful plasma lights combined with various celestial practices and guided meditation enhanced by sacred holographic toning and attunements developed by Stephanie Lodge. You’ll leave feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and restored on every level of your being.

Each HALO Soma session is designed to help you:

  • Regulate the nervous system & release stored tension

  • Increase cellular voltage for enhanced vitality & immunity

  • Clear energetic blockages & restore inner harmony

Experience deep relaxation through guided meditation that includes sacred toning to connect you to higher levels of consciousness


More About Stephanie Lodge

As a celestial conduit and ascension activator for 20 years, Stephanie Lodge has been known to spontaneously activate and accelerate the energy of others for greater self-healing. Through her online platform Angelic Academy, she has developed ancient and modern Celestial Coherence® practices like the HALO Method, and shares deep universal wisdom to help clients awaken to their true nature.

Stephanie is a certified NeuroFit® trainer, Reiki practitioner, and holds a BA in Metaphysics. She brings all three together to bridge clients to the new earth that is rising daily through her latest offering, HALO Soma...a new Rafi Lounge exclusive journey amplified by plasma light somatics.

You can find her online @thehugangel on most social media and inside her private community

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